So... today wasn't the best day I've ever had... really emotional actually.
Hopefully it will get better. I havea little over 2 hours left of work but I'm exhausted, hungry, and sore. I really would like a grape soda right now... but they are all at home and I'm stuck here at work.
I guess I should enjoy it while I have a job. This place is closing at the end of the month... great economy... thank you!... ugh... I have an interview Monday but I've been told I'm no good in interviews so we'll see how it goes... wish me luck. If not, its off to the unemployment office... yuck.
Pregnant and unemployed... thats the mix I wanted right now... oh and lets just add in a huge pile of debt to that list.
Don't get me wrong. I am not sad in any way that we are having a baby. I just wish I could be more prepared to give this baby the life it will deserve. I have about 6 months to get my shit together.. lets hope I can get it done...
keep your chin up hun, things will work out